Picking up our new baby buckling today!
I'm so sorry, Dave. I lost a doeling to it last year and I had done everything right - including giving the doe her Cavalry 9 five weeks prior to her kidding date. It sucks.
Goatberries Happen!
Thanks guys and ya Taffy. Its just one of those things that you cant stop, prevent or protect against. About the only thing I coulda done different was not feed my babies so well. But even that is just the fuel for the bacteria and not the cause. Well at least now I know how to do a necropsy and look for it as well as a few other things. Woulda like it not to have cost $1500 to learn it though.
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale. http://trinitypackgoats.webs.com

S.E. Washington (Benton City)
Dave that really is a bum deal!! I know it happens but you would sure hope it wouldn't happen to this guy. I'm really sorry!!!
So sorry Dave. Your knowledge and expertise are such a value to all of us on this Forum. Thanks for posting about this & sharing the things you learned from your loss. Wishing you & your goats health and success in your future endeavors--Saph
Oh my... Dave, I am so, so sorry. I hardly have words to say. I know how sad and disappointing this is for you. The little fella had so much promise, and I know you put a lot into him. I'm glad you know what caused it, but that's not much comfort. So sorry this happened.
Thanks again everyone. Ive lost babies before here and there and it always sucks but expected from time to time. But to be sucker punched after doing everything right... I mean hell I even taste their milk before every feeding just to make sure its good and clean. Add a bit of baking soda when any of the kids look a little poopy or not eating as they should. Treated their milk with Dcox M. Wash their lamb bars after every feeding. Wormed, vaccinate, given loose minerals, have good hay in front of them at all times. A bit of grain over the top of that every few days. Shelters cleaned and bedded. Toys for them to play on so they get exercise...

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Smile
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale. http://trinitypackgoats.webs.com

S.E. Washington (Benton City)
Been a lot of goat doom going around this month. Sad
Dave, sorry to hear about the loss of the little buckling, its crazy how such a healthy and great looking goat could succumb to such a random thing like that, again sorry for your loss.

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