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Today we took Finn and Sputnik for a drive around the golf course. We drove them single this time. We have not done that since last summer, and the boys were very good considering how long it's been since we've practiced. Finn balked badly at a dead cat in the road and refused to pass it even though Sputnik was ahead of him. Sputnik gave it no more than a sidelong glance and kept right on going, but Finn wasn't convinced. Phil had to get out and lead him past. But after that he was wonderful. Both boys were a little herd bound to each other, but that's to be expected since we haven't practiced single driving more than a couple of times, and that was months ago. For Christmas I bought Phil a drink holder and a side mirror for his cart. Leave it to me to buy silly accessories for his cart and forget to buy a whip socket!
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Nan, do you have any photos of your wagon's singletree, for single driving? Mark made me a wagon conversion kit for Xmas but it doesn't have a singletree, just the shaft assembly. Our wagon is the same as yours.
Happiness is a baby goat snoring in your lap
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Here's the singletree on our cart. It has a different configuration than a wagon though.
If you sent me a photo of your shafts hooked to your wagon I could probably suggest how to attach a singletree to it if you haven't already figured something out. It should be fairly simple. I've made singletrees using a dowel rod and some eye bolts. You could also make one from a bit of steel pipe. If you post any photos, post them in the Driving section on a new thread. It might be useful for others someday.
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Thanks Nanno, that's helpful to see. I'll figure something out with the wagon and post some pics, shouldn't be too difficult.
Happiness is a baby goat snoring in your lap
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Took Finn and Sputnik driving today, each pulling their own cart. Sputnik was a good boy and did better than our last drive a few days ago. He seems to really "get it". Finn, on the other hand, gave Phil a pretty hard time. I'm not sure what exactly is going on with him--whether he just plain doesn't like driving, or if he's too herd bound to Sputnik, or if there's something wrong with Phil's technique. He doesn't seem sore or uncomfortable, but he's certainly not happy. I'm going to first see if I can find a treat he likes better than animal crackers--those have gotten very boring to him over the last few months. Them I'm going to take him out 2-3 times just by himself and I'm going to drive him instead of Phil and see what I come up with. Sputnik was wonderful the time I took him out alone and I think it's helped his driving ever since. I wonder if Finn will do better without the distraction of having another goat there. He goes well if he's headed back to the truck or if Sputnik is ahead of him, but he doesn't want to strike out on his own. I don't want him to become sour, so I feel I need to spend some one-on-one time with him and figure out what's wrong and then see if I can encourage him to enjoy his job instead of pouting and balking. Sputnik seems to have a great time, and it's sad if Finn isn't having fun too. Looks like I have a project ahead of me!
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That's no good, I hope you sort Finn out. Please keep us updated with your progress. Koby seems to be "pouting" too and I'm running out of ideas as to how to get him over the baulking. I expect its something I'm doing wrong but I'm really not sure.
Happiness is a baby goat snoring in your lap
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The last day of 2016 started out rough. My friend Jordan who I hiked with the other day called first thing this morning in serious distress. One of her horses had colicked during the night and was in a terrible way. I rushed down and arrived right after the vet. There was not much any of us could do though. The horse got some pain relief at the end, but she died within an hour of our arrival. Turned out she had a severe torsion of the bowel and there was nothing anyone could have done to save her. It wasn't an old mare--only six or seven years old, and she was always very healthy so it was very unexpected. I feel sorry for Jordan. It's hard to see any animal in so much pain, but always harder if it's yours.
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My heart goes out to both of you. Hugs.
Goatberries Happen!
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Most horses have a time bomb inside them with a random setting. Thats how I see it.
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Gosh that's awful Nan - I'm so sorry to hear of her passing
Happiness is a baby goat snoring in your lap