Lost Flashlight at Rendezvous
Did anyone find a Thrunite TN32 flashlight at the rendezvous last summer? I think I may have left it near a chair at the campfire one night. It is a large LED flashlight that takes three 18650 Lithium ion cells. By the way, if you found it be very careful. These are the 18650 cells that can explode if you try to charge them when they have been over discharged or if you don't have the proper charging equipment. You have to check them frequently with a multi-meter, charge them at the right times and not overcharge. They have brought down planes. If you found it, I'd be happy to pay shipping to get it back.  Thanks, Richard Bend
I don't remember a flashlight laying around. But...

Did anyone leave a gray jacket from Old Navy? I forgot about it, but I was among the last out and still have it. Lemme know.
I don't drink beer, but if I did, I'd prefer Dos Equis.  Stay thirsty my friends!
Me, Charlie Horse, and Saph were the last ones out of camp. I don't recall finding a flashlight either. I could have Larry put a notice in the next NAPgA newsletter if you like.
The flashlight is found. It was in a camera bag. Punishment for not promptly posting my photos. Thanks for your responses.
HA! Nice! I'm glad you located it!

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