What did you do today?
That's great that some people stopped to help. It happens less and less these days.

Good luck getting it repaired.
The truck is repaired and I'm grateful for all the good folks in this valley. I'm also grateful for a good goat like Finn who takes everything in stride and shows little guys like Pongo that they don't have to be nervous around traffic and headlights. They just have to walk steadily on the leash and stay over to the side. Finn has firmly taken the place of old Cuzco, who showed all my young whipper-snappers (including Finn) what it meant to be a regal, self-assured packgoat. Every packgoat string should have an old campaigner to show the little guys how things ought to be done. :-)
Whew! We've been snowed in for 3 days and it hasn't stopped yet! The blizzard started late Tuesday night and has continued almost nonstop since then, taking only a few brief pauses to spit on its hands. We had a little warm-up on Monday when it snowed all day and dumped several inches, which melted pretty quickly on Tuesday, giving me enough time to get to the polls to vote and swing by the grocery store to stock up on food before the real storm hit. It started trickling down late Tuesday, and sometime in the wee hours of Wednesday morning the wind began to howl and hurl ice pellets at the house. We woke up to snow scudding over bare ground in some spots and cresting tall drifts in others. The wind settled down on Wednesday but the snow continued in earnest. Yesterday was lighter, but it still never quit. Today was warmer and heavy, fat flakes fell fast all day long. There's mud under the snow and it's hard to shovel because it's so wet and heavy. I got soaked doing chores this evening. The goats are sick of being cramped in their sheds, but they also don't want to be out in the snow. It's supposed to stop around midnight tonight. I'm sure we'll have over 3 feet before morning, if it doesn't slump too much. It's supposed to be around 50° and sunny all week so I expect this lot will melt in a hurry. I'm so excited to have a bona fide Colorado storm so early in the season! We haven't had weather like this in over a decade and I couldn't be more pleased! I hope we get lots of snow this winter to fill up our rainwater cistern and water the parched ground and replenish the groundwater aquifers.

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