Goat-O-Rama Doelings For Sale
I have 3 gorgeous doelings available who should mature into lovely milk goats and packgoat mothers. One of them is large enough to be bred this winter for 2025 kids. All are out of fantastic milkers. I have been focusing on solid homestead-type dairy goats who give a good (but not ridiculous) quantity of high quality milk. I cannot stand goaty-tasting milk, so all of these girls' mamas give sweet, creamy, delicious, milk. Their daughters are almost certain to give the same. Nicely-shaped teats that are easy to hand-milk are a must! All of these doelings' mamas are a dream to milk and are well-behaved on the stand. They are also easy keepers. These does stay in good condition on mountain pasture and grass hay with little to no grain until their kids get close to weaning weight. My does are not susceptible to parasites and rarely need deworming. Their daughters are sure to be similarly low-maintenance. Their mamas produce amazing packgoats as well. These are sturdy doelings with excellent conformation, well-formed feet and legs, and outstanding hooves. 

The three doelings are as follows:

1. Esmeralda - A beautiful two-tone chamoisee with strong conformation, she is super-friendly and insatiably curious! She LOVES attention but is not obnoxious for it.. Esmeralda loves to explore and get into everything, but there's not a mean bone in her body. Her mother, Snowball, is one of my kindest goats and is the most structurally correct in my herd. Snowball is an excellent and easy milk goat and her daughters are always my favorites.

2. Morgana - As daughter of my herd queen, Morgana is the herd princess and she makes sure the other babies stay in line. She is a striking cou blanc with flashy white stripes on her sides and the sweetest little face! She's got a fine, silky coat and she loves people but is not as outgoing as Esmeralda. Morgana's mother, Skeeter, is a fabulous herd queen. She keeps the others in line without being mean about it, and she's an amazing mother who kids easily and nearly always throws flashy colors.

3. Tonks, the baby of the herd, is a lovely and athletic little chamoisee with frosted ears. She's younger and smaller than Esmeralda and Morgana but she can hold her own! She loves to jump on high things and she's learning to love a good snuggle. Her mother, Ziggy, is my smallest doe, but she has the nicest udder in my herd. It is high, tight, and strong with excellent shape to her teats. Ziggy is a dream to milk, and while all of my does give delicious milk, Ziggy's is the sweetest. If Tonks is anything like her mother she will be an outstanding dairy doe. Tonks has the highest percentage of Alpine among this year's kids, and she has wattles!

My herd is tested annually for CAE/CL/Johnes and is clean. These doelings are a mix of 1/2 Nubian combined with Alpine, Saanen and Oberhasli. All are friendly, curious, and affectionate. These girls come from excellent packgoat stock and are the daughters of my outstanding buck, Pest. Pest is 1/2 Nubian crossed with a fabulous mix of Alpine, Oberhasli, and Saanen.

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