05-09-2017, 05:29 PM
Hey, I am just learning about goat driving/pulling. I would like to train my wether to pull a wagon. (I don't plan on driving him, but rather will be walking beside him as he pulls.) He's only 8 weeks old, so we're a long, long way from pulling a wagon. Right now he and my doeling are learning to get used to a halter. It looks much like the sopris halter, except I made them out of ribbon and craft rings. It's just to start getting them used to annoying straps on their faces. Where can I find good information on carts or wagons for them? The only goat specific one I can find is from Caprine Supply, which doesn't give me much variety or choice. I plan on subscribing to the goat tracks magazine and ordering the past issues on CD. Are there any other resources you can recommend? Or any other online forums or groups?