08-02-2017, 04:13 PM
There were some fun obstacles on the jackpot course. The most exciting was the water box (not pictured). My horse Jet is great with water and has no fear of a tarp-lined box full of it, but this one was unique because in my division they floated a piece of plywood on the surface. The plywood had holes in it, so when the horse stepped on it the water fountained up through the holes, and if the horse stepped hard enough he got splashed in the face. Jet stepped in pretty confidently the first time and got wet so he promptly backed up. But when I asked him for a second try, he stepped right in (carefully this time!) and walked across without a fuss. That was for the non-timed, non-jackpot class. By the time we hit the timed jackpot event, Jet had that water box dialed and skipped across like an old pro.
Here are a few of the other obstacles. It was a fun day!
Here are a few of the other obstacles. It was a fun day!