Slowly building for the goats
Hmm... I like the tippy spool idea! We had a teeter-totter out for a long time until the wind blew it down and broke the fulcrum. I'd like to get a new one welded from metal this time so it can't break and would also be heavy enough to not blow over. I know some people worry that their goats will get hurt on things that move or have holes or gaps in them, and while it's certainly possible for accidents to happen, I think the benefits outweigh the risks. I think it's important for goats to learn how to watch out for themselves and learn how to navigate tippy, potentially leg-trapping things without getting hung up or injured.

One thing I'd love to build someday is a spool hung on a suspended bar at the right height for goats to jump on. It would spin and force them to either balance or get tipped off. I watched Finn jump onto a spool laying on its side and roll it from one end of the yard to the other. I wished I could have left it down like that for him to play on but I couldn't risk him to rolling it into one of our electric fences or off a hillside. So I thought it would be great if I could hang it from a bar between two posts so he could roll it all day without destroying anything.

Messages In This Thread
Slowly building for the goats - by sagetrecker - 01-29-2018, 02:31 PM
RE: Slowly building for the goats - by Nanno - 01-29-2018, 05:26 PM
RE: Slowly building for the goats - by Nanno - 01-30-2018, 09:42 AM

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