05-07-2018, 03:16 PM
Big excitement this morning! Nauti delivered two beautiful, healthy kids around 10:00 a.m. We've got a buck and a doe and it was a perfect, textbook kidding. I saw that Nauti was in labor and she baa-ed at me eagerly when I went in the pen. She gave me a look like, "Now that you're here I can start!" But I had some things to do and she didn't look quite ready, so I went and did a few little chores before going back to check on her. As soon as I came in the pen she baa-ed at me again and started pushing hard. So I went down to get some warm water and clean towels. I wasn't gone five minutes, but when I came back the first little kidling was on the ground--a little tan belted buck! Phil came out just in time to see the second baby pop out a few minutes later. Number two is a black and white doeling. They're beautiful kids and we're so pleased that everything went smoothly. Mama seems to be doing well. Yay for baby goats!