08-05-2018, 11:37 PM
I have a goat who started out very wild. I just spent a lot of time with him. When I first started working with him I could barely touch him. The way we got through it was I would brush him down everytime I fed him. Eventually he started to chill out. He really did not like his flanks or legs messed with. So to trim his hooves I made a really big stantion with a wall I could move from side to side. That way he would not fall off the opposite side of stantion that I was trimming. With you and your husbsnds skills at building stuff you should be able to whip one up pritty quick! The stantion keeps everyone safe and secure. Also as you have your goats longer they will get to know the routine. Weather it be hoof trimming, loading into a truck bed, or putting on there sadddles. I think I would start with training, trust, and repitition before any injectables. Either way good luck!!!