10-15-2018, 07:02 PM
Thankfully Finn improved a lot during the afternoon and I ended up not having the vet come out. He still had a slight fever (103.5*) but his appetite was back, he kept up on our walk instead of dragging behind, and he was fighting and jostling with the other goats like his usual "I'm in charge!" self. I gave him a dose of banamine again tonight since his temperature was still a little high, and I made him wear Cuzco's blanket to bed, but I don't plan on having to go out and check on him through the night again. Finn ran off when he saw me coming with the blanket, and it's usually a pretty good sign of health if your patient is difficult to catch. I left him eating at the hay rack with the other goats tonight instead of watching him crawl unhappily into his shed and lie down shivering like he did the previous two nights. I'm hoping he's right as rain in the morning. We did just come back from our annual "goat vacation" and we had cold weather during much of the week, so he may have simply come down with a bit of shipping fever.