Whether or not to Introduce 7 mo. old akbash-pyrenees cross???
My German Shep has proven to be a failure at guarding. She doesn't like wind, and comes indoors when its even breezy. Or cold at night. I left a box on the couch where she sleeps last night and she dared curl up on my bed in protest! Gave me puppy dog eyes when I told her to get off--- So comfy! She chases rabbits, and only rabbits. I once looked out and saw her surrounded by the wild turkeys. I think they surprised her while sleeping and wanted to check her out. She sat very still.... The other day a buck was eating petrified pears next to the house and she just sat and watched. The problem is that I cant get a LGD because Luna the German Shep would ruin it by turning it into a normal dog.

Perhaps I should get a vicious guard llama. That way if a predator comes around, it can get eaten first. Thats how it works right?
I don't drink beer, but if I did, I'd prefer Dos Equis.  Stay thirsty my friends!

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RE: Whether or not to Introduce 7 mo. old akbash-pyrenees cross??? - by Charlie Horse - 11-29-2018, 07:08 AM

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