WANTED to buy: PACK Goats...not kids 2.5+ to 4 years old (Utah)
TOU, I know of two alpines that are disbudded, about 3-4 years old, wethered about 2 months ago. They are big super friendly guys and calm. They are from a dairy that had to size down because of family medical problems. I met them when they were bucks and were being handled easily by a small woman. She was hoping I would take them to use as packers but my herd is all horns. I still might consider it but if there is a wonderful place for them to go that would be better. Her name is Tara Townsend, Bantam Lane Farm, email BantomLane.com. She is desperate to find homes for them.
Charlene in Central Orego

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RE: WANTED to buy: PACK Goats...not kids 2.5+ to 4 years old (Utah) - by deschutes dawn - 12-15-2013, 12:16 PM

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