Today I took the goats out to the tree row to browse. I always hear about how goats love to eat wild blackberry bushes. Mine take a bite of the leaf and move on. I guess they wouldn't make good brush clearing goats!
Their most favorite items when browsing are the black locust leaves (how do they eat around those thorns?!) and cottonwood leaves. They especially like eating cottonwood leaves and small branches that have fallen off the trees. The tree row is in between 2 orchard grass hay fields. They could graze on the fields but will stand in the tall grass and eat the cottonwood leaves that have fallen instead!
Little Man is a master browser. He knows how to rear up, lean on branches, bring the branch down then stand there and eat the leaves and small branches.
Their most favorite items when browsing are the black locust leaves (how do they eat around those thorns?!) and cottonwood leaves. They especially like eating cottonwood leaves and small branches that have fallen off the trees. The tree row is in between 2 orchard grass hay fields. They could graze on the fields but will stand in the tall grass and eat the cottonwood leaves that have fallen instead!
Little Man is a master browser. He knows how to rear up, lean on branches, bring the branch down then stand there and eat the leaves and small branches.
Goatberries Happen!