03-21-2021, 05:32 PM
Oh, and I forgot to mention something funny that happened yesterday. Governor Polis declared March 20th to be "Meat Out Day," meaning a meatless holiday for Coloradans. Well, I live in a ranching community and that declaration did not sit well with the locals, let me tell you! Some of the local ranchers got together and donated enough beef to hold a huge "Meat In Day" barbeque free of charge to the community. They took donations for the local FFA and I'm guessing they raised thousands. They couldn't hold it in any of the local parks because of Pueblo County COVID restrictions, so they had it in the hardware store shopping center parking lot. The place was PACKED. We had to park way up on a side road and walk over. They served almost 1000 burgers in a couple of hours before they ran out of beef. Apparently a lot of other communities did the same thing, so I guess Governor Polis is a good meat salesman.