05-18-2021, 11:16 AM
And in other news, I looked in the Goat-O-Scope last night and saw a huge eyeball and then a hairy nose up close and personal. I watched for a few minutes and realized that Mocha was methodically pulling the bunched-up power cord out of the camera compartment and happily chewing away on it. We've never had a goat mess with the electronics before. The most they've ever done is give it a suspicious sniff. But Mocha was on a mission and I worried that she'd shock herself on it so I unplugged the unit from the house. This morning I found the bedraggled cord laying in the straw. She'd chewed it right off the camera. It's a good thing it was a cheap camera because there's no fixing it. Snowball is due this weekend. I hope we can rush order a new one before then!