08-18-2014, 07:02 PM
My day started off scary. We were sitting on the front porch having our morning coffee. My husband swatted and killed a meat eater bee. Our dog ate it like he always does. Only this time within 5 minutes he was in distress and having trouble breathing! I ran inside, grabbed the epinephrine and gave him a dose. Called the vet and took him in. She gave him an injection of benadryl on top of the epinephrine I gave him. They kept him for a few hours and he's now home. Back to his tail wagging self. I knew there was a reason I kept epinephrine around! I've always had it on hand for the horses and goats but had no idea I'd use it on my dog.
Banjo had a "male attitude adjustment" this afternoon. The greatest goat vet in the world used the burdizzo. If I were a man I'd be crossing my legs and running the other way! Banjo was anesthetized. I'm sure he appreciated that over being awake! Matt also got rid of some scurs, I trimmed hooves and shaved off his baby hair on his thighs and along his topline. He's still groggy but is up and eating. He'll get banamine for a couple days to help keep him comfortable.
I sure morning coffee is more calm tomorrow!
Banjo had a "male attitude adjustment" this afternoon. The greatest goat vet in the world used the burdizzo. If I were a man I'd be crossing my legs and running the other way! Banjo was anesthetized. I'm sure he appreciated that over being awake! Matt also got rid of some scurs, I trimmed hooves and shaved off his baby hair on his thighs and along his topline. He's still groggy but is up and eating. He'll get banamine for a couple days to help keep him comfortable.
I sure morning coffee is more calm tomorrow!
Goatberries Happen!