01-04-2014, 07:17 PM
Well, I installed Petunia back in the goat pen after she started getting restless during dinner. She loved being in the house all day, but she was also now happy to be back with the other goats. Now hopefully everyone will survive the night. It's snowing and blowing out there and will probably get pretty cold. Petunia won't have any trouble keeping warm--she and Lilly usually curl up together when they sleep. I just hope poor Nubbin will get a spot out of the snow. She would be plenty warm and cozy if she would just curl up with Daisy, but she's the only goat who is still terrified of the dog and won't go near a shed with Daisy in it. Lilly pushes Nubbin out of her shed even though there's plenty of room, but I'm hoping Nubbin's determined personality will prevail. She's as stubborn and pushy as her mother and if she really wants inside, I'm pretty sure she'll go inside no matter what Lilly says about it. At least, I certainly hope so in this weather!