Nanno, Just got here but so sorry about Nibbles. May she RIP and I hope you get some payback on the yotes. I have an electric fence and it's good when it works but at least once every two weeks the deer or elk tear it up and sometimes it takes a few days to get it repaired, especially now that it's dark when I get home. We have an Anatolian and our friends have a half Pyrenees half Anatolian. We have coyotes but they keep their distance since we got the dog. Both our dog and our friends when they were pups were terrorized by bullying goats who wanted to grind them into the dirt. We both had to use a shock collar on certain goats for a while. It's all in the timing when using the shock collar. If you can zap them when they rear up or lower their head to go after the dog it will teach them to think twice. We had to turn the juice all the way up on he shock collars, it seems to take a lot more volts to change a goats mind than a dogs, but in our case and our friends it worked without any psychological damage to the goats and the dogs were spared a lot of abuse. Our friends had one goat that was just relentless on the poor pup until they put the collar on the goat. Both dogs are now mature & the "Alpha's" of the herd, & do a great job of watching over their goats and the goats are not at all afraid of the dogs. Another friend of ours had a couple of Alpines and kept her German Shepherd out with them at night. One night last summer it was raining hard and she didn't want the dog going out & getting all muddy, so she left the dog in. That night a mountain lion killed both of her goats. We are moving this spring to an area that is notorious for bears and lions and I know for a fact that the local lions and bears have a taste for goat meat (from another friend that lives nearby). I wouldn't think of not having the dog. A good dog will prove to be invaluable, hopefully yours will mesh together & you will be able to sleep easier. Keep us informed of how the dynamics are working out.
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