01-05-2014, 10:37 AM
Sounds like you got a good one there! Do you feed the dog separately or have your goats developed a taste for dog food yet? That is a whole other battleground. Have you found out how Daisy is when other people come over & you are not around. Samson is a big goofy Teddy bear with everybody when we are around but apparently from what we have heard he can be pretty fearsome when we are not around. I think it wold require a heck of a lot of aggression on someones part for him to actually bite a person, although once I almost got myself eaten... My wife went for a walk with Samson down to the bottom of the pasture and I spotted them and I pulled my coat up over my head, kind of like the headless horseman and started making loud Sasquatch noises while doing the "Igor" walk. Samson barked more intently the closer I got to him and my wife but when I was about 20 feet away he charged at me teeth bared and chomping like some rabid zombie hell hound. I about messed myself an quickly pulled my coat down and yelled, "Samson it's me!" Luckily for me he stopped in time and immediately returned to his big goofball teddy bear state! Might not have been the smartest thing I ever done.