so today we went to trim our goats hooves and she didn't do this before but we tied her up I slightly lifted her head I don't think enough to hurt her and then when we were done she would start flipping her head so the top of it would be facing the ground we weren't out there long so I don't know if she was doing it before and shes been sooooo lazy I am really worried she doesn't have super mucus-y nose and eyes no slobbering other information that might be a factor on Wednesday we brought my goats to the vet for a CAE test and they got blood taken out of there necks and we loaded them in a pickup truck no trailer so could she have fallen and hurt herself or something I am worried she is a lovely girl
thank you all so much for the responses I really appreciate it
oh almost forgot in the last week and a half she has been driven in the back of our truck 3-4 times and she is a 6 or 7 year old goat
like this cow but sticking out teeth
thank you all so much for the responses I really appreciate it
oh almost forgot in the last week and a half she has been driven in the back of our truck 3-4 times and she is a 6 or 7 year old goat
like this cow but sticking out teeth