No discharge?
Nubbin's leg was even worse this morning and I could actually feel tensed-up muscles in her thigh today, so I gave her some ibuprofen. I read that it doesn't pass through the milk like aspirin does. I'm hoping she can get over this soreness because her other leg is getting very tired from taking all the weight. I also gave her a dose of Nutri-Drench since I know muscle soreness (in people at least) is often related to mineral imbalance or deficiencies. I hope I can get this lameness resolved quickly, poor gal.

There's a funny thing been going on around here lately. I think there's some kind of jinx because we've had "left hind leg lameness syndrome" these last few weeks. First, my horse Skokie got his heel stepped on by the other horse and developed an abscess in his left hind foot. A week after that healed, he pulled a muscle higher up on the same leg and was lame for four weeks. Then my dog went mysteriously lame on her left hind leg. It got progressively worse and then started moving to other legs, and after two vet visits and no evidence of joint problems and no improvements with anti-inflammatories, we finally decided that she did not get kicked by a horse or hit by a car. We're now treating her for lyme's disease, and she looks like she's finally starting to improve. Then Phil got a nasty charley horse in his left foot while we were in Greeley last weekend. And now Nubbin's left hind leg is gimpy and I'm beginning to wonder what the heck is going on with left hind legs around here!

Messages In This Thread
No discharge? - by Nanno - 05-02-2015, 06:28 PM
RE: No discharge? - by Dave-Trinity-Farms - 05-02-2015, 09:12 PM
RE: No discharge? - by Nanno - 05-03-2015, 07:04 AM
RE: No discharge? - by Nanno - 05-03-2015, 12:58 PM
RE: No discharge? - by Nanno - 05-04-2015, 12:02 PM

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