07-27-2015, 10:39 PM
I forgot to elaborate before, but we also had a scale at the Rendy so we could weigh our goats. Cuzco was 196#, which was right where I expected him to be after his long trailer ride and a hike the day before. I also guessed Finn's weight exactly correct in the weight guessing game. He was 120# on the nose. Snickers came in at 116#, and Sputnik at 113#. I wish I'd had Pac-Man there. The weight tape had him at 180# last month, but he's growing at an alarming rate and that weight may be outdated already. He's got a neck like a linebacker and is getting to be strong as an ox. He's not as tall as Cuzco yet but I expect he'll finish out as tall or taller, and if he stays as fat as he is right now, he'll certainly outweigh Cuzco by a good 50#. I need to start making Pac-Man work out so he can shed some lard and get some muscle (him and me both!). There's nothing he loves more than lounging in his dust wallow.