LaMancha Project! (Arts and Crafts)
And the Rendy back in June, Phil bid on a little goat and cart statue that had been donated to the auction. We took pity on it because the poor goat's ears and horns were broken and it looked a little sad, but it was still very unique. I have a friend who raises LaManchas and I thought with a little work it could make a cute gift for her. 

The first thing to do was to remove the horn and ear stumps. I sawed them off and filed the head smooth where they had been, doing a bit of amateur sculpting to make the head look right (if a LaMancha's head can look "right"). ;P

I then repainted the whole thing. The goat started off as a nondescript grayish tan with a muted red harness and cart. My friend breeds predominantly black-and-white goats and her farm color is lime green, so I went with that theme. The most tedious part was adding her farm name, "Snow-Kissed Dairy Goats" to the goat's blanket. It's hard to paint letters that small! 

You may have wondered what those pegs on the cart are for. Those are my invention, added by drilling holes in the bottom of the cart and gluing some toothpicks in place. It allows the cart to hold business cards!  

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LaMancha Project! (Arts and Crafts) - by Nanno - 12-19-2015, 10:17 AM

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