02-21-2016, 12:01 PM
Arborvitae are great wind and sun blockers plus great for privacy. I have them where I can keep water on them because they have shallow roots and don't survive here in the desert without a lot of it. I use a drip system for all of my landscaping. It's much more efficient than other methods.
Yes, Jethro and Finn have a lot of the same color. I love the riotous color! Yes, that's Kahlua. He looks a lot fatter than he is because of the cream belly and black line between it and his top color. I like the Nubia/Saanen and Nubian/Alpine airplane ears! Morgan and Kahlua (half brothers) keep going back and forth as they grow as to who is taller and longer. Kahlua is a pistol and Morgan is a "make love not war" goat. Yesterday when I had them out browsing Kahlua even tried to stand on Dude's back to get to the locust seeds! He also loves to act tough by putting his head down and pushing Dude and Jethro. Or he'll rear up to challenge them. He's s hoot!
Yes, Jethro and Finn have a lot of the same color. I love the riotous color! Yes, that's Kahlua. He looks a lot fatter than he is because of the cream belly and black line between it and his top color. I like the Nubia/Saanen and Nubian/Alpine airplane ears! Morgan and Kahlua (half brothers) keep going back and forth as they grow as to who is taller and longer. Kahlua is a pistol and Morgan is a "make love not war" goat. Yesterday when I had them out browsing Kahlua even tried to stand on Dude's back to get to the locust seeds! He also loves to act tough by putting his head down and pushing Dude and Jethro. Or he'll rear up to challenge them. He's s hoot!
Goatberries Happen!