05-12-2016, 05:27 AM
Hello All
The Goat Boy's " All Most" went to Freezer camp yesterday, Susan (girl friend) has been nursing a bucket garden and a cooking herb garden.
Well, the boy's got into "Her" bucket garden and "Trimmed" some of the plants. Not bad but you could tell they had been munched on and the perps were caught in the act, she screamed at them, they just looked at her like,
"If we had a middle finger, they would have "Flipped" her the Bird.
Needless to say she was pissed, reached into the gun rack by the door and grabbed my 7.62 NATO Scout rife (Loaded)
Only thing that saved the boy's is I have not trained her how to use that gun (Bolt Action) with 3 position safety.
By that time I had grabbed one of my air soft pistols and got to her , Told her give me the rifle, here use the pistol you know how to shoot.(Non-Lethal) She put several BB's into the goat boy's (Just Stinging them) they got out of the bucket garden "FAST"
We do have the bucket garden enclosed with bird netting but the boy's must have found or made a hole to get in.
It has been "Reinforced now." Yes, some "Repair" was needed from their FAST exit.
Happy Trails
The Goats are still Surviving her "Displeasure"
hihobaron Fuzzy, Pete and Sam
The Goat Boy's " All Most" went to Freezer camp yesterday, Susan (girl friend) has been nursing a bucket garden and a cooking herb garden.
Well, the boy's got into "Her" bucket garden and "Trimmed" some of the plants. Not bad but you could tell they had been munched on and the perps were caught in the act, she screamed at them, they just looked at her like,
"If we had a middle finger, they would have "Flipped" her the Bird.
Needless to say she was pissed, reached into the gun rack by the door and grabbed my 7.62 NATO Scout rife (Loaded)
Only thing that saved the boy's is I have not trained her how to use that gun (Bolt Action) with 3 position safety.
By that time I had grabbed one of my air soft pistols and got to her , Told her give me the rifle, here use the pistol you know how to shoot.(Non-Lethal) She put several BB's into the goat boy's (Just Stinging them) they got out of the bucket garden "FAST"
We do have the bucket garden enclosed with bird netting but the boy's must have found or made a hole to get in.
It has been "Reinforced now." Yes, some "Repair" was needed from their FAST exit.
Happy Trails
The Goats are still Surviving her "Displeasure"
hihobaron Fuzzy, Pete and Sam