05-31-2016, 07:50 PM
Even better idea: put strips of tin foil on the fence in a few places. The fluttering makes them curious and they usually will touch it with a nose or tongue. It's how a lot of folks teach goats to respect electric fences. Seems mean, but it's a heck of a lot kinder than having them try to jump through, get tangled, and end up strangled/shocked to death. I don't think putting foil on the horns would do much good. Horned goats usually check things out with their noses/tongues first just like hornless ones. None of my horned goats ever mess with electric fences any more than the hornless ones. But when it comes to metal gates, the hornless goats have the escape advantage (except Finn--Finn can clear just about any fence or gate in a single leap, although he seems leery to try jumping an electric fence--there's a psychological barrier there).