Quote:Question for you?? the over your shoulder forward picture I can not see the spreaders on the driving lines.
Are you just hooking the driving lines on the outside rings of the halters?
Yep, driving lines are connected to the halters without spreaders. I have both draft and stub lines so yes, there is a Y in my reins. But I'm not using spreaders. Does anyone even use spreaders with anything but draft horses? I've never seen them used on minis.
Quote:So You dumped over the wagon a couple times??? Get any road rash?
Also Did I not recall somebody making the statement They can not cut a turn that sharp with the double tree in the way?
Just once. No road rash. I landed on my feet (talented, eh?). However, I didn't say they couldn't. I said it would be difficult.
And boy was Finn being difficult!
Quote:Did you put the Lazy Strap on Finn's side of the double tree.
I think what you're calling a lazy strap I call a stay chain. I used them on my horse carriage (one on each side) as a safety device since we were driving in town with strangers in the back every day. I haven't done it on our goat wagon yet, but it would definitely prevent the goats from getting really uneven on a turn and tumping over the wagon.
As for driving on the golf course, we will try to avoid that. Luckily our golf course is podunk enough that if goats got loose on it folks would be more amused than bothered. Besides, deer walk across their golf course all the time. They'd have to prove which hoofprints were which before I'd pay them a nickel!