Felix will be available at ten weeks old,he is currently 7 weeks. he is a purebred lamancha buckling, he can be whethered before is rehomed if anyone would want that. He is 45 lbs, loves going out on a walk. I haven't down any water training with him, he doesn't like getting brushed. His parents came from a close herd here in NM. I don't know his CAE or CL status I'm going to start testing for CAE this year.
He was very hard to get pictures of if anybody would like more pictures let me know and I will do my best to get them. He does have a slight milk gotier, that is what you'll see in the second picture. the third is his mother sorry its bad. Asking $125
He was very hard to get pictures of if anybody would like more pictures let me know and I will do my best to get them. He does have a slight milk gotier, that is what you'll see in the second picture. the third is his mother sorry its bad. Asking $125

Happiness is a working goat