Salt Lake City Utah Pack Goats
I'm new to pack goats (getting them in April) and would love to connect with anyone local here in Utah!
Hello and welcome! You'll have to tell us your goat packing adventures! Where in Utah are you located?
(02-07-2021, 11:47 AM)Nanno Wrote: Hello and welcome! You'll have to tell us your goat packing adventures! Where in Utah are you located?

I'm located just outside of Salt Lake City in a city called Riverton. I'm in a small pocket that has livestock zoning rights grandfathered in. Im getting a string of 6 year old lamanchas out of Colorado, another of 4 out of Idaho,  and two kids from Marc Warnke. Adventures should begin in April!
I used to live in Bluffdale. Now I live in Ferron, about an hour south of Price, next to the San Rafael Desert. If you feel like a 2.5 hour drive sometime, we could go hiking in any number of interesting places in the area. I've also hiked the Uintas a bit in the past (they only work from June-Sept generally). I've done a bit in the Timpanogos area. You can see some pics of my adventures in the tales from the trail section.
I don't drink beer, but if I did, I'd prefer Dos Equis.  Stay thirsty my friends!
Awesome! I make it over to that area every few years. You probably have some good year round hiking! We'll have to do some of those hikes
(02-07-2021, 11:52 AM) Wrote: I'm located just outside of Salt Lake City in a city called Riverton. I'm in a small pocket that has livestock zoning rights grandfathered in. Im getting a string of 6 year old lamanchas out of Colorado, another of 4 out of Idaho,  and two kids from Marc Warnke. Adventures should begin in April!

Wow, you really jumped in at the deep end! A dozen at once is quite a commitment. I hope you have a great time!

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