02-08-2016, 05:38 PM
Hello All
Most of you have seen pictures of my spoiled Rotten boys.
They came from a Primary Dairy based breeder that is a good goat person.
The fact as all of you know from my "Stories" prove they were "Raised" right for pack Goats.
They think they are people and I encourage that myself. BUT with MANNERS.
Sam the Black and White with Airplane Ears has to have some Nubian in him (EARS) But were dose the color come from? He has no Boar blood that I know of. To account for the color pattern???
Pete the Brown one (4 year old) Are his markings typical from a Ober or a Tog? Granted they are both X breeds.
To NANO: RE: Bright Color Goats Pete dose "Blend into my environment here amazingly well, If he stands still he turns "Invisible" in the woods and with the dead underbrush can not be spotted until he moves.
I am glad I have Sam a Bold, Black and White to look for as both free range during the day around BC1.
Spot Sam and Pete is not far away. Call or go to the feed barrel pull the top off (It makes a POP) Vacuum seal letting go and then I have 2 goat trying to bully their way into the barrel. You should see them both high tailing it out of the woods to see what they can snarf. Yes, Bad Goats. They also have decided they can Bully the Neighbors dogs, Husky, Doberman, and a old GS that knows better than to mess with goats.
Of course it is always a "Controlled Encounter" with me there to "Referee" Air -Soft Pistol makes the dogs behave well.
I actually like or think I do? Having the Goat boys learning to deal with "Different Dogs" under my supervision.
Reason being the Goat boy's will come to me when trailing for "protection" or know they can double team a single dog they meet on the trail. BTY: Goat Boys have already learned the sound of a pistol shot is nothing to spook from.
Look up my post on Trail Defense if you want.
I don't believe in Bear Spray/Pepper Spray needless to say.
On the trail if Air-soft is not good enough S&W comes out.
I may have a line on some Alpine/Sannine kids here in march.
All are going to market Doelings and Bucklings. The Mature Does were breed just for milk production.
The kids are scrap goats.
There are a couple very nice big Sannien does that if they have Bucklings I am going to try and get.
They will be Bottle babies and I have "Volunteered " to help out with kidding season.
Why not I am a midwife with over 50 babies to my credit. Why not add a few goat kids to the score??
Happy Trails
hihobaron and the Brat Boys
Most of you have seen pictures of my spoiled Rotten boys.
They came from a Primary Dairy based breeder that is a good goat person.
The fact as all of you know from my "Stories" prove they were "Raised" right for pack Goats.

They think they are people and I encourage that myself. BUT with MANNERS.
Sam the Black and White with Airplane Ears has to have some Nubian in him (EARS) But were dose the color come from? He has no Boar blood that I know of. To account for the color pattern???
Pete the Brown one (4 year old) Are his markings typical from a Ober or a Tog? Granted they are both X breeds.
To NANO: RE: Bright Color Goats Pete dose "Blend into my environment here amazingly well, If he stands still he turns "Invisible" in the woods and with the dead underbrush can not be spotted until he moves.
I am glad I have Sam a Bold, Black and White to look for as both free range during the day around BC1.
Spot Sam and Pete is not far away. Call or go to the feed barrel pull the top off (It makes a POP) Vacuum seal letting go and then I have 2 goat trying to bully their way into the barrel. You should see them both high tailing it out of the woods to see what they can snarf. Yes, Bad Goats. They also have decided they can Bully the Neighbors dogs, Husky, Doberman, and a old GS that knows better than to mess with goats.
Of course it is always a "Controlled Encounter" with me there to "Referee" Air -Soft Pistol makes the dogs behave well.

I actually like or think I do? Having the Goat boys learning to deal with "Different Dogs" under my supervision.
Reason being the Goat boy's will come to me when trailing for "protection" or know they can double team a single dog they meet on the trail. BTY: Goat Boys have already learned the sound of a pistol shot is nothing to spook from.
Look up my post on Trail Defense if you want.
I don't believe in Bear Spray/Pepper Spray needless to say.
On the trail if Air-soft is not good enough S&W comes out.
I may have a line on some Alpine/Sannine kids here in march.
All are going to market Doelings and Bucklings. The Mature Does were breed just for milk production.
The kids are scrap goats.
There are a couple very nice big Sannien does that if they have Bucklings I am going to try and get.
They will be Bottle babies and I have "Volunteered " to help out with kidding season.
Why not I am a midwife with over 50 babies to my credit. Why not add a few goat kids to the score??

Happy Trails
hihobaron and the Brat Boys